-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people after wards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.
-Eat a cookie
-Glomp the next person you see
1. Perfect? working on it
2. il always look up to you: uhh... how short _are_ you?
3. In your pajamas? essentially, i wore these clothes to bed last night
4. Left handed? nope, that's why the heart on my right hand fails XP
1. Friend you saw? Siena and Ashe and Hillel and other people :3
2. Talked to on the phone? Siena's mom
3. Person to text you? Siena
4. Was today better than yesterday? hmm no, today was great, but yesterday was much better ^^
1. Number: e^(i%u03C0) + 6
2. Color(s): bluegreen (look at Siena's eyes sometime)
3. Fruit: delicious fruit, even though it makes me explode :/
4. Place: [censor'd]
1. Are you missing someone right now? the person that show'd me the book that says "you can love someone so much, but you can never love them as much as you can miss them"
2. Are you happy? yes
3. Are you sad? grrr, that made me think of Yellow Butterfly and now i am
4. Are you bored? nope, tag to occupy me :3
6. Are you nervous? i'm clam and ready, it seems
8. Are you tired? pleh, yeah, but that's just from walking home, yesterday, i was tireder walking home, though, so i guess i won't really complain
1. Eating? iced tea
2. Drinking? nothing
3. I'm about to? answer the next question, lololol
4. Listening to? my harddisk being loud because my computer is old and in need of a tuneup >.<
5. Plans for today? everything exciting already happen'd, i think
1. Drank bubbles? yes <.<
2. Lost glasses/contacts? yes >.>
3. Ran away from home? wasn't brave enough >.<
4. Broken someone's heart? sigh, yeah, it wasn't in such great shape to begin w/, too...
5. Been arrested? still waiting for them to figure out it was me
1. Miracles? i don't understand how you can't, they definitively happen, maybe i don't know what the worProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
2. Yourself? i don't know, which is why my name is Theo
3. Heaven? iiiii don't think so, maybe something along the lines of Nirvana, but idk about that, even
4. Santa Claus? i do, in the sense that i believe in Kate :3
4. Love? i think it exists, yes, if not, than
-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people after wards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.
-Eat a cookie
-Glomp the next person you see
1. Perfect? working on it
2. il always look up to you: uhh... how short _are_ you?
3. In your pajamas? essentially, i wore these clothes to bed last night
4. Left handed? nope, that's why the heart on my right hand fails XP
1. Friend you saw? Siena and Ashe and Hillel and other people :3
2. Talked to on the phone? Siena's mom
3. Person to text you? Siena
4. Was today better than yesterday? hmm no, today was great, but yesterday was much better ^^
1. Number: e^(i%u03C0) + 6
2. Color(s): bluegreen (look at Siena's eyes sometime)
3. Fruit: delicious fruit, even though it makes me explode :/
4. Place: [censor'd]
1. Are you missing someone right now? the person that show'd me the book that says "you can love someone so much, but you can never love them as much as you can miss them"
2. Are you happy? yes
3. Are you sad? grrr, that made me think of Yellow Butterfly and now i am
4. Are you bored? nope, tag to occupy me :3
6. Are you nervous? i'm clam and ready, it seems
8. Are you tired? pleh, yeah, but that's just from walking home, yesterday, i was tireder walking home, though, so i guess i won't really complain
1. Eating? iced tea
2. Drinking? nothing
3. I'm about to? answer the next question, lololol
4. Listening to? my harddisk being loud because my computer is old and in need of a tuneup >.<
5. Plans for today? everything exciting already happen'd, i think
1. Drank bubbles? yes <.<
2. Lost glasses/contacts? yes >.>
3. Ran away from home? wasn't brave enough >.<
4. Broken someone's heart? sigh, yeah, it wasn't in such great shape to begin w/, too...
5. Been arrested? still waiting for them to figure out it was me
1. Miracles? i don't understand how you can't, they definitively happen, maybe i don't know what the worProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
2. Yourself? i don't know, which is why my name is Theo
3. Heaven? iiiii don't think so, maybe something along the lines of Nirvana, but idk about that, even
4. Santa Claus? i do, in the sense that i believe in Kate :3
4. Love? i think it exists, yes, if not, than