I have noticed something that I can not find nor do I yet have any human members of the magikarp army this is why I am asking any one reading this if they will help out. what is there to lose. Now some of you are probally wondering what is the magikarp army well its an army of magikarp and humans to win over the treachery that is known as feebas too long have they been treated as the better version of magikarp so who will join me and teach feebas and anyone else who defies are way to glory that we are ready to fight to the death to sustain are honor. so if you want to join and show who the true warriors are then just pm me or leave a comment saying that you will join if you are exepted I will pm you. if you dont join then the magikarp army will find you.
sorry I don't like magikarp but that is a really good pic of one its the best one I've ever seen.
The magikarp army is made up of all pokemon except feebas you can be any kind of pokemon.